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  • Global Trade Online Limited

  •  [Jiangsu,China]
  • Jenis usaha:Service , Agent , Distributor/Wholesaler , Trade Company
  • Pasar utama: Worldwide
  • nu ngekspor:51% - 60%
  • gambaran:VITAMIN E AND ITS DERIVATIVES,Natural Vitamin E Acetate Powder,Tocopherols Concentrate Mixed
Global Trade Online Limited VITAMIN E AND ITS DERIVATIVES,Natural Vitamin E Acetate Powder,Tocopherols Concentrate Mixed
imah > produk > Data dagang China > Data Perdagangan Impor Cina > Vitamin e and its derivatives

Vitamin e and its derivatives

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China Import Customs Data

Detail Information about China Import Data

China import data cover following points: Import, customs HS code, commodity, import month, enterprise code, enterprise name, amount, price, unit, destination (country of origin). declaration port, trade methods, transportation, transit country, fax, zip, email, contact person, enterprise nature, address, etc., all these information is now able to offer to the public in maximum by customs.

The value of China import data

1. Scientific market strategy making and find buyers
2. Evaluate new product or new production, the feasibility of market development
3. Deal with different market, make effective pricing strategy
4. Monitor competitors, trade characteristics and business trends
5. Minimize export cost

6. Reduce inventory, speed up the capital rotary

China: Introduction

China is a country in East Asia bordering the East China Sea, Korea Bay, and South China Sea. Neighboring countries include 14 sovereign states. The terrain is diverse in China with mostly mountains along with deserts in the west and plains in the east. Principal rivers flow west to east including the Yangtze and Huang He rivers. The government system is a communist state; the chief of state is the president, and the head of government is the premier. China has a market-based system, changed from a centrally planned system in the 1970s. China is a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA).

China: Economy

Economic Trivia: China is the world leader in gross value of agricultural and industrial outputs.

Trade: Top 3 Trade Partners (2014): United States, Hong Kong, and Japan
Top 3 Exported Goods (2014): Electrical Machinery, Industrial Machinery, and Furniture

Top Industries: Mining and Ore Processing (Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Other Metals, Coal); Machine Building; Armaments; Textiles and Apparel; Petroleum; Cement; Chemicals

China: Trade Statistics

china customs datacustoms datareport

Please contact us to get the China customs data sample.

Categories produk : Data dagang China > Data Perdagangan Impor Cina

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  • Vitamin e and its derivatives
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