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  • Global Trade Online Limited

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  • Jenis usaha:Service , Agent , Distributor/Wholesaler , Trade Company
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  • nu ngekspor:51% - 60%
  • gambaran:POWER INVERTER USA Consignee Lists,POWER INVERTER USA Buyer Lists,POWER INVERTER USA Import Marketing Information
Global Trade Online Limited POWER INVERTER USA Consignee Lists,POWER INVERTER USA Buyer Lists,POWER INVERTER USA Import Marketing Information
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Tempat AsalFrance

Kode HS847940

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U.S customs data includes U.S. Import Data ,U.S. Imports,U.S. Export Data and U.S. Trade Data.

POWER INVERTER USA Consignee Customs Data, is also called US bill of lading import data, or USA B/L import data. US bills import data have both USA importers and foreign exporters information. We have live daily US bills import data since 2007. US bills import data is searched by product description wise (product keywords).

US bills import data include: bill of lading number, actual arrival date, mater BOL number, esti arrival date, shipper name, shipper address, consignee name, consignee address, notify party name, notify party address, port of load,port of unload, place of receipt, country of origin, carrier, vessel name, voyage number, manifest number, way of transport, in-bond entry type, HS code, weight, measure in cm, teus, esti.CIF value, quantity, container number, container size, container type, product description, ect.

Dozens of companies use our US bills import data to identify genuine sales prospects for their goods and services, manufacturers, freight forwarders, customs brokerages, warehouses, and trade finance groups are all using US bills import data to find real companies already buying the products they sell.

United States: Introduction

The United States is a country located in North America bordering the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Neighboring countries are Canada and Mexico. The geography of the United States is varied with mountains in the west, a broad central plain, and low mountains in the east. The government system is a constitution-based federal republic with a strong democratic tradition; the chief of state and head of government is the president. The United States has an advanced mixed economy in which there is a variety of private freedom, combined with centralized economic planning and government regulation. United States is a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

United States: Economy

Economic Trivia: Imported oil accounts for nearly 55% of US consumption.

Trade: Top 3 Trade Partners (2014): Canada, China, and Mexico
Top 3 Exported Goods (2014): Industrial Machinery, Electrical Machinery, and Items nesoi

Top Industries: Petroleum; Steel; Motor Vehicles; Aerospace; Telecommunications; Chemicals; Electronics; Food Processing; Consumer Goods

United States: Trade Statistics

USA customs dataUSA import dataUSA export dataPlease contact us to get the USA customs data sample.

Categories produk : Data dagangan kalér > Data dagang AS

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